
Top 10 Negotiation skills

Negotiation Skills: A Key Job Requirement Nowadays, negotiation skills are frequently listed among the top requirements in job postings. Companies view this ability as highly desirable in candidates. To highlight its importance, many organizations conduct seminars and workshops focused on enhancing negotiation skills. Effective negotiation requires a blend of interpersonal and communication abilities, used together to achieve a desired outcome. Negotiation typically arises when two parties or groups disagree on a solution to a problem or the goals of a project or contract. Successful negotiation involves bringing both parties together to reach a mutually beneficial agreement. Problem Analysis Effective negotiators must be adept at analyzing a problem to understand each party's interests. A thorough problem analysis identifies the issue, the involved parties, and their desired outcomes. For instance, in employer-employee contract negotiations, disagreements might revolve around sala...

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नमस्कार दोस्तों (Hello Friends) आज हम अंग्रेजी भाषा (English Language) के कुछ ऐसे शब्दों के हिंदी अर्थ (Hindi Meaning) के बारे में जानेंगे जो अंग्रेजी में आपने रोजाना बोले  होंगे  या सुने होंगे  लेकिन  हिंदी में तो शायद ही कभी सुना होगा। तो  शुरू करते है शायद कुछ ही समझदार लोग है जो इन शब्दों का हिंदी में अर्थ जानते है Ambulance - निश्चययान  Police - जनरक्षक  Petrol - शीलातेल Inspector - निरीक्षक  Train - लोहपथगामिनी Cigarette - धूम्रपान दणिक Feedback - वापसी तालुक Bank - अधिकोष Internet - भुजाल Website - जाल पत्र Social Media - सामाजिक माध्यम  Selfie - निजस्वी इस पोस्ट को पढ़ने के लिए धन्यवाद 👀 जानकारी अच्छी लगी तो share करना न भूले ☺️

How to make Mutiboot Pen-drive ?

Hello Friends! Today I will show you how to make a multi boot pen-drive. By using a multi boot USB you can store and install multiple Operating systems like Windows 7, 8.1, 10 or any Linux distribution in a single USB disk. You get multiple befits for having a multi boot pen drive. It helps you to save your time for making bootable  pen-drives for multiple computers now there is no need to format your pen-drive again and again for the installation of new operating system. It is very easy to remove or install update in your multi boot disk. You can simply follow the instructions given in video to create a multi-boot Pendrive. Step 1 You should have at least 8GB minimum or 128GB maximum as depending on the size of your ISO image file or OS size. Use the link below to download YUMI to create multiboot USB Run the application YUMI Select your USB drive where you want to install your OS. Select the type of OS from the list. Select...

Lenovo G50-70 Windows Boot Manager Missing from Bios Problem Solved

Hi Friends! Last week I face a problem in my Lenovo G50-70 (Model : 23151) Laptop. My Windows Operating System doesn't boot from Hard Disk anymore. I tried to repair my windows using windows installation disc but it doesn't work. There was some problem in graphics chip-set. Due to which in legacy mode my laptop screen doesn't display anything during boot and bios but when I connect my laptop with HDMI & VGA port to external monitor it displays screen on monitor during legacy boot. UEFI boot shows screen on my laptop but doesn't display on external monitor. This was due to graphics problem in my laptop. I tried to find and finally I got the solution of this problem. This is due to missing MBR (Master Boot Record) partition into my HARD DRIVE which records or stores information about windows boot files. In UEFI boot environment if windows boot manager is missing, not working or not displayed into bios settings, then you have to format your hard drive complete...

What is a Computer ?

What is a computer ? A computer system is a machine made with mixture of electronic hardware and software. A computer system accepts the data as input and processes it to provide us with an output. But it can only follow the instructions that we give. A computer is similar to a television, which takes input from a remote control like the channel number and displays the output on the TV Screen in the form of the correct channel. Full form of a computer: C - Commonly O - Operated M - Machine P - Particularly U - Used for T - Training E - Education & R - Research